Thursday, June 09, 2005

Are We Spirit in Material Form, or Are We Spirit Imagining a Material Form?

In “Hidden Messages in Water” the author alters water crystal construction by giving water various messages. If valid, that implies one of the following:

1. Matter has intelligence.
2. Matter has no intelligence, but we have the ability to manipulate matter.
3. Matter has intelligence, and we have the ability to manipulate (communicate with) it.
4. Matter is only an illusion—therefore the universe and everything in it is an illusion, and
everything we experience is a dream.

Current concept is that matter has no intelligence, and that we bring intelligence to it. That is, a body with no life has no intelligence. But, on the other hand, what if “death” is nothing more than us (our spirits) ceasing instructions for animation to that matter which composes our body? After all, the body continues to do work, that is change, after death. But does it do this in the absence of an observer?

But if we can manipulate matter, how could we manipulate, that is: communicate with it, instruct it, if it has no intelligence; unless it were all an illusion?

Does matter exist without an observer?

If matter exists without an observer, that might imply that matter has intelligence.
If it doesn’t, that might imply that it is an illusion.

But to look at it another way, if the energy of the universe has intelligence, then all matter in the universe must also have intelligence.

So is the energy of the universe intelligent, or do we bring intelligence in to it, or is it all just an illusion?

To say that inert matter has no intelligence would be the same as saying there are two types of energy in the universe, intelligent--conscious (us) and non-intelligent—non-conscious (matter). Which is the same thing as saying that intelligence, or consciousness, is separate from the universe; that without life, there would be no intelligence in the universe. Or that, the universe is only an illusion.

That still brings us back to the same question: Is the universe illusion, or does it exist separate from our experience of it? Or, is the universe a “thought form?” That is, we use thought (energy) to create a material object, once that object is created, it exists in ever-changing form until it is destroyed by another (perhaps stronger) thought—which could be nothing more than the realization that it is only a thought form.

How might I differentiate between illusion and “thought form?” Although a “thought form” is a type of illusion, it is an illusion that converts energy into matter within the context of the experience, real or imagined, of a material existence, while pure illusion takes no material form.

We are still back to the question: are we spirit in material form (just as matter is energy in “frozen form” as Einstein would say), or are we spirit imagining a material experience?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Given you writing obsession with sexual issues, I would say you are definitively material form with a self-serving notion of spirituality.